It’s Your Art, Do What You Like With It

Posted: February 21, 2017 in Uncategorized
I had an anonymous comment at my blog the other day and not sure if it was male or female, but judging from the nasty content I assumed it was driven by the testosterone of a male.
Anyways this person was very upset by the fact that I post so many of my images using post processing filters, and that I encourage others to use filters to enhance their images.
Digital photography has grown into many different art forms, and I think that is a good thing. It’s perfectly fine if you believe in creating images with the traditional look of a photograph, but now we have options going well beyond the traditional photographs if we choose to do that.
Not sure why some photographers get upset over this, as it is each photographer’s decision on how he or she wants their images to look.
I show my images with post processing that I like, and suggest that you all give it a try, but I don’t go on a rant saying you have to do it my way. If you like traditional looking photos then do it that way.
If it bothers this person so much on how I process my images, then why is this person following me?
Seems to me if they don’t like what they see with my images, they would stop following me and follow other photographers that think like they do.
As an artistic person I will always be looking for something new and different for my photos.
I don’t go around bashing others for the styles that they choose, and there are some things I see I don’t care for. I’m not criticizing those photographers for what they like, they didn’t created their images to make me happy.
I do see a lot of this on some photo forums. People getting nasty because they don’t like what they see. Not sure why those people feel they have the right to tell others how their photos should look.
Do whatever makes you happy and don’t worry about what others think.


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  1. I agree with every word you wrote here!

    • Bonnie Insana says:

      Thank you Mike Every photographer I have had the privilege to know struggles with the “art” of their work. You are so correct it is the individual photograph how they see their own art. Thank you for standing up for the artistry of photography. Also for inspiring all of the photographers that love your work to continue in their own.

    • Mike Moats says:

      Thanks Suzanne.

  2. Roslyn Pulitzer says:

    Mike, I have been following your work for several years, and though I really like your work, I also have my own style. I don’t know who this critical person is, but he is very rigid in his perspective and cuts himself off from the ability to be freely creative. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your work.

    Sent from my iPhone Roslyn K. Pulitzer


  3. jmlecocq says:

    Good advice, Mike. Janice M LeCocq

    > >

  4. Jennifer Benton says:

    So sorry this person unloaded on you. His anger was said to you but meant for himself. It is a shame he had to get you involved in his problems.

    • Mike Moats says:

      Thanks Jennifer, it doesn’t really phase me anymore, I’ve heard this stuff since digital started. There are always a few that can’t except anything outside of what they like.

  5. Sandra Wescott says:

    Great post.

  6. Amen to that! I also use a lot of filters on most of my shots and frankly, I don’t much give a s**t what anybody else thinks. I love your work.

  7. Karen VanDonsel says:

    Totally agree Mike. I usually have different visions for different shots. I like the freedom to create “art” with some, while staying “traditional” with others. Whoever this was is not being open to new ideas. In the long run, being so rigid stunts growth. Even if he/she doesn’t “like” it, it’s always worth at least a little experimentation. Getting stuck in paradigms is how we stop learning – something I hope I never do.

    Love your images and, as you know, I often try to recreate some of your shots so I can learn how to push myself.

  8. Well said Mike. People ask me if I edited my photos like it’s a bad thing. All photos require some editing, sometimes automatically by the camera. If I want to take the editing in an artistic direction, that’s up to me.

  9. Nitin Khanna says:

    Great work. I am wondering how anyone can thought about this kind of art and photography. Really appreciate your work and efforts for this.

  10. Kate C says:

    I have been inspired by you to investigate the magical world of post processing within my photos and what I have found hidden beneath the layers of the common photo has been amazing; colors, textures, movement… I live with a person who prefers the “natural” photo and does not take the time to look at the newer editions and see the revelations… At first I took the comments as negative and let them diminish my confidence in my work… but, thanks to you and your encouragement to explore, now I just raise an eyebrow at the comment and inside I think, “You only see life in one dimension… your loss”… and I just go on to the next photo… Thanks Mike for the inspiration….

  11. Jeff B. says:

    One thing I find ironic is that I’ve never found anyone that has a problem with black and white photos. Black and white is a process of completely desaturating a photo of its color. How much different is this than adding saturation to a photo? Sure B&W was the norm as the technology was not available to produce colors for many years but that does not hold true today. Today B&W is a photo processing tool just like all the other filters we enjoy.

  12. I don’t understand some photographers up on their high horse thinking that their way is the only true way. However, you’ll come across people like that in everything you do. I must say that this image used used on this post is SPECTACULAR!!!

    Personally, if I like the image, why does it matter how it was created? It doesn’t. Keep rockin’ it, Mike!

  13. Jack Graham says:

    If only lots of folks see what I do ( I am know for being kind of a traditionalist) they would be surprised. Photography is about having fun isn’t it? I come from the “What ever floats your boat” school. I love when people ask “You used Photoshop on this didn’t you”. My answer is “You are Damn right”—Ansel did the same, though ins a different way. I have a copy of his sketch of “Moonrise Hernandez” where he splits the sketched paper in 16 boxes with notes on processing in each box. Have fun folks!

  14. Jeremy Gorman says:

    Of course, Mike. Agree 100%

    Sent from my iPad


  15. Everyone has a style. I love using textures with my photography. Some people do not like that style of photography and that is their right. They have their own style, but once you start using filters and textures it becomes intoxicating. Everyone is different and t
    his is why they make chocolate and vanilla!!

  16. Debbie says:

    I agree with every word. You are a great artist. Love your work!

  17. Jeri Mearns, Mill Valley, CA says:

    I so agree with Mike. Traditional photos are lovely, but not what I always want to create with my collected pixels. Mike, I love what you do – always inspirational to those of us who march to your drummer.

  18. Tina Hutton says:

    I didn’t know what was possible until I found and started following several photo blogs. I thought all those beautiful pictures came out of the camera that way. And now I see so many possibilities that you show through your art and vision. Thank you for that!

  19. Tom Dorsch says:

    Lots of anger out there for many reasons. Keep up the good work!

  20. Ron says:

    Mike, very well said – I am in agreement 100%. Your image is your canvas and what you choose to paint on it as an artist, is entirely up to you.

  21. Troy Rikert says:

    I think your absolutely right. No one can say how you perceive your art. It’s your asset do what you want with it.

  22. I love your blog and getting your email each day inspires me. I too agree that the image does not have to be as mother nature made. The use of post processing apps and ways of doing something give so much artistic license and fun!

  23. Robert says:

    Hi Mike:

    I guess if one is not happy, it appropriate to verbally Bash others. My grandmother used to say:

    “If you have nothing nice to say, keep your mouth Shut”. Apparently that is not applicable today. Manners have been discarded.

    We enjoy your company. You are a good teacher And make photography and life fun. You are a Good listener as well.

    Thank you for all you do. We appreciate you!

    Best to you,

    Carol & Rob Olson

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Mike Moats says:

      Yes Rob, for some the lessons of being nice didn’t stick, or weren’t taught to them. Thanks and you and Carol are always a pleasure to hang out with. Thanks for being a friend.

  24. Dennis says:

    I agree with your comments. Photography can be an art form. Hardware and software are some of the tools used in this art form just like brushes, color pigments and paper are tools for the painter.
    Unfortunately, social media can be a vehicle for these type of shallow rants.

  25. Jane Duchemin says:

    Sorry there are so many angry people out there. I totally agree that art is about personal expression in whatever way the artist chooses to convey their thoughts or message. With the advent of the digital era, there are so many fantastic options in software that have the capability of making art and photography fun. If you don’t care for something, that’s ok so look at what you do like. 🤗

  26. Vickie says:

    Amen Have fun with plugins It’s called being an artist

  27. Carla says:

    Great response Mike! It’s awesome that there are so many programs that enable us to have our unique styles if we choose to do so.

  28. Matthew Ross says:

    Well, I like your images and the post processing you do. Judging by many of the comments, I’m not alone. Looking forward to seeing many more.

  29. Patrice says:

    I agree with you Mike! However, when you put yourself out there, you’re subject to good and bad people. I find it interesting the person was anonymous, just a coward!

  30. John says:

    I knew a chicken farmer who got mad at one of his chickens because it laid brown eggs instead of white eggs. I told him an egg was an egg and be happy his chicken laid eggs! He got mad at me! I figured his problem wasn’t brown eggs or white eggs; it was his desire for control! He wanted to control his chickens! I guess it’s the same thing with photography; from the camera or from the computer isn’t the real issue. It’s control. They want control! They’re not happy with someone elses idea. So sad!!!

  31. Hear, hear Mike! The more we see of different styles and techniques, the more we learn and the more inspired we become. I just get ideas from different photographers whether I adopt those techniques or not. Or should we go back to glass plates?

  32. Sharon Jensen says:

    My goodness, why do people have to behave like school-yard bullies? Personally, I derive a lot of pleasure and inspiration from your photographic art.

  33. Grace Grogan says:

    Processing and the degree in which you do it is a matter of personal taste, and with my own photos it can depend on the individual photo and/or what I happen to be in the mood to do at that time. Whether I like someone else’s processing or not is irreverent. I like seeing what other photographers have tried.

  34. Reblogged this on More Cheap Photography Tricks and commented:
    Food for thought, do you agree?

  35. Horace Sawyer says:

    I have received the same type of comments when viewing some my photography. I enjoy creative expression and art in some of my photographs. If others can only appreciate traditional realism, that is great also. After over 30 years of film and digital, my advice is to enjoy and appreciate your own photographic expression.

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