So You Want To Be A Pro Nature Photographer

Posted: November 29, 2009 in Uncategorized

I see many times people posting interest in taking their hobby of nature photographer to the pro level. Myself and I’m sure other pros have people that contact them asking for advice on what it takes to make a living in this field. My response is that from my experience it’s a seven day work week and can be tough on your family life. I work about forty weekends a year so any family birthdays, holidays, christenings, father and mothers days, sports, concerts, etc, are many times missed, and my family accepts this as it is my job, the same as many other profession in entertainment, pro athletes, traveling salesman, politics, etc. who are away from their families for long periods of time.  Nature photography is one of the toughest fields of photography to make a living in. I’ve found that for me being diversified is the key to making it. Having multiple streams of income keeps the money flowing. Those streams all take a lot of time to keep them flowing.

Marketing is number one, nobody knows you’re alive and in business unless you tell them. Shameless self promotion is something you have to get used to and you need to be the type of person that doesn’t mind this type of marketing as some would consider this bragging about yourself, but it’s just getting the word out that you’re in business and having some success at what you’re doing. I spend a lot of my time marketing, I write a daily blog post,  moderate on two photography sites including my own “Macro Nature Forum”, post images, post on Facebook and Twitter, and reply to photographers sending me emails with questions.

I display my images in about twenty art shows a year. This takes up twenty of my weekends, many away from home. The shows start in May and run until October and consume almost every weekend for those months. Some of the shows I’m gone on Friday and return on Monday, leaving me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, to print, package, and pack for the next weekend. During the winter months I’m going though the process of applying to these shows, which is filling out applications, sending images for the jury process, writing out checks for show fees, etc, keeping it all organized so I have a show every weekend. Taking time to keep track of materials and doing all the ordering and always trying to find the best prices. During the winter when I apply to these shows the jury fees and booth fees run about seven thousand dollars, which I won’t see again for months.

During the art shows off season I’m presenting my workshops. I do about twenty workshops which are on weekends. This take time promoting the workshops, adding them to my website and blog, sending out emails and post cards, posting them on nature photography websites, posting on Facebook, etc.  Working with the hotels on setting up rooms for the workshop all across the country. Planning the workshops and how they will run. Shooting images for examples in what I’m teaching in the workshops, and constantly updating the material presented at the workshops.

Wow, I’m already tired and I haven’t scratched the surface on what I do. While all this craziness is going on with the art shows and workshops,

I have to maintain my moderater duties online.

I work with art consultants that buy images for their design projects, print the images, package, ship, and invoice them.

I contact companies that would be willing to sponsor me, work with them when they need images for ads, photo conventions, sometimes even go to photo convention for them. I send them promos for my workshops that they can list on their websites.

I do online workshops, which takes time again promoting, critiquing the participants shooting assignments.

I have a how to macro book that took time to write and have printed, I have to maintain stock at Amazon, maintain on my store front sales, packaging and shipping to customers.

I have five e-books completed and am working on more. Again more promotion, sales and sending the e-books online. I also make them into CDs to sell at the workshops and art shows.

I’m working on how-to macro videos for You tube.

I travel and present programs for camera clubs, photo conventions, garden clubs for flower photography, have done some at REI stores.

Send submission to magazine with article ideas, and once accepted working with the mag to set-up the article and images. Invoice them.

Send out information introducing myself to new art consultants, interior designers, calendar companies. etc. reply to their emails as they contact me asking questions about pricing, printing, etc.

I maintain a blog which I write and post as frequently as possible and I write when possible for Tamron’s blog. Post on facebook any updates on workshops, art shows, and any other happenings.

Maintain a website, posting new images updating art shows and workshop schedules.

I will visit and sell through art galleries, so time is spend traveling to the galleries maintaining stock.

I have companies that contact me for stock images, negotiate, send files, and invoice them.

I get to beta test new products for companies, and they always wait till the last minute to send you the product and need a response NOW! Take time to work with the product, Email back and forth with response.

I have charities that call and ask for print donations which I always do. Deal with emails, set-up time to make contact with prints.

Take care of all the accounting, sales, taxes, keeping track of cost of running the business.

Working toward setting up webinars for live how-to macro workshops online.

Wow, all this work is making me tired, I need a nap.

Now are you starting to wonder why I haven’t mention anything about shooting. As you can see there is not much time left to shoot. It can be frustrating and hard to schedule time to shoot, as you have probably heard most pros say that the business takes up ninety percent of their time. I do make time to shoot but it has to be scheduled at the peak times which for me are the spring and fall. The summer I almost never get out to shoot as the art shows consume so much time.

I have to say I’m pretty sure there are a few more thing I do, but I think you’re getting the point. If I tried to make it on any one of these streams alone it would be tough, but with a little income coming from all these streams I do very well, but I sacrifice a lot of time and family life to maintain this business.

I have to say even with all the work I do I can’t wait to wake up in the morning at five o’clock and get to work. I wouldn’t trade what I do with anything else. I always tell people where can you work where people are complimenting you while handing you money, love it.

Good luck if you give it a shot.

Running A Succsessful Nature Photography Business
How to E-Book

  1. Juha Haataja says:

    That was quite a description! I guess Edison’s saying applies, “Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration.”

  2. Mike Moats says:

    Very True Juha, and another saying goes, “the harder I work, the luckier I get”.

  3. jackvjohnson says:

    Great post, Mike! I’m still working on developing a part-time income from photography, and this is both sobering and informative. Your ebooks are great, too!

    – Jack

  4. Mike Moats says:

    Hey Jack, glad you liked it, and thanks for your support. Good luck with your business.

  5. […] Ha! Think again, my friends. Read this post from Mike Moats, an outstanding nature photographer, who knows whereof he speaks: So You Want To Be A Nature Photographer. […]

  6. @steve_happ says:

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the reality check.


  7. Wow, I have no idea of the hard work someone needs to keep up with the business. I have found this article very informative and helpful. Thank you so much for taking time to put it together. You are doing a great job as a nature photographer. I love your work Iris Greenwell.

  8. […] On The Business Of Nature Photography A few weeks ago I wrote a post on my blog called So you want to be a nature a photographer.  I also posted it on two  online nature photography sites, and […]

  9. Mike Moats says:

    […] So You Want To Be A Nature Photographer […]

  10. Nancy Kerner says:

    How true your article is! For 10 years I taught antique porcelain doll painting. What started as a hobby became a full time business. Much like you mentioned, I had little time to paint for myself, too much else to do to run a business, travel weekends to teach seminars, doing trade shows etc. I very much enjoyed doing it, but the economy affects the craft business, so now I am back to the “other” real world of work. I now have photography as a hobby, taking college courses and hope to take your Boot Camp,,,but this time I will keep it a hobby and enjoy the fun part of shooting and learning!

  11. Mike Moats says:

    Hey Nancy, thanks for you reply, and you have been there so you know what it takes, but as you also point out, it’s fun if you like running a business, so even though it takes a lot of time you don’t mind. Thanks

  12. Bob Towery says:

    Your list wore me out, so I had to order the book (from your site, not Amazon, hopefully you make more money that way) to support you.

    Nearly everyone successful in a business has to work pretty hard at it. Obviously you chose one that requires weekends, an additional burden. But you are prospering, when many aren’t, so your choices and efforts are paying off. Good for you!

  13. Mike Moats says:

    Thanks Bob, and thanks for ordering from my storefront as yes I do make a lot more money when I sell them instead of Amazon.

  14. Mkl says:

    very nice and informative. thank you!
    but I was wondering, if you are good at what you do, and get good money for it, why dont you hire someone to do the business side of your work? So you could have more time to go out and shoot, or spend with your family.
    thank you 🙂

    • Mike Moats says:

      Excellent question MKL. I already have a huge file of images on my website that photographers can view and determine if they like what I do, and whether they would like to take a Macro Boot Camp or buy and e-book. Shooting more images won’t make me more money, but by spending the time doing the business side it put more dollars in my pocket, but like I said if I spent the same amount of time shooting, I wouldn’t make more money as I already have enough quality images to attract people to workshops and e-books. As one pro photographer said, “the more time I spend in the Field, the more more money I spend, and the more time I spend in the office, the more money I make.

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